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Just a card – Indie Week

Just a card – Indie Week
19th November 2018 Elle Morrison
In Pilates

Today is day 1 of @justacard #indieweek and Monday is 10 facts about you…

1. I opened the doors to the studio on the 1st of October 2016, after moving to Bristol from Glasgow in February 2016 but started teaching from my spare bedroom in April 2016.
2. The studio is located within Monarch House on Smyth Road, 2 minutes from the Upfest Shop on North Street BS3
3. We don’t have any signage, or a shop window, so things like this are important to us to help spread the word.
4. I have been a Pilates Teacher for 10 years but self-employed for 20 years.
5. There are 4 teachers at the studio: myself Elle, Evie, Emma and Charlotte.
6. We are evolving into a Classical Pilates Studio, our website will tell you more.
7. I love going to the theatre and the studio supports the Tobacco Factory Theatre in several ways.
8. I collect anything Pilates, especially humorous cards and posters.
9. The studio is having an open day in December to raise money for charity. Deets on the website.
10. I am Scottish and think whisky(not whiskey) cures everything!
@ Bristol Pilates Studio BS3

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