The studio is currently closed.
All of our mat classes are taking place on Zoom.
1:1 lessons are on pause.
What we did
When the spread of Corvid 19 started becoming serious back at the beginning of March we took the decision early to start using Zoom for classes. Government guidance at that point was just encouraging social distancing and keeping things as clean as possible – I’m sure many of your remember the excitement of The Return of the Cloths and The Rise of the Steam Cleaner.
As the guidance got stricter, however, we decided closing the studio was the only safe thing to do. Many of our clients are 70+ (as tough and feisty as we know they are “old age isn’t for wimps”) and several clients care for elderly parents or are immunocompromised themselves.
It was a sad thing for us to do but made easier by the knowledge that this was the best thing for our clients.
What we’re doing
Through a massive learning curve we now have all of our mat classes on Zoom. While our 1:1 lessons have had to go on pause we’re encouraging our 1:1 clients to try some mat classes for now to keep moving. We’ve changed the timetable slightly so I’ve posted an update in this post. This is because as movement teachers we don’t encourage anyone to sit at a desk for very long and that includes ourselves!
A big thank you
It is only due to the wonderful support of our clients that we’ve been able to keep going. Everyone has jumped on board with Zoom and it’s so heartwarming to see so many of you making the most of it. We’re keeping classes going over the Easter holidays when normally we’d close and we’ll keep Zooming for as long as we’re kept out of the studio. We know this is a trying time for everyone, emotionally, financially and physically so it’s wonderful so many of you are committing to Pilates. At least we can help take care of the physical stress of this strange, strange time.
We’re going to keep putting up videos and blogs for you, most for you to keep doing your Pilates at home but it’s possible there may be some made purely for your entertainment.
Keep moving everyone, it’s amazing how much it will help and heal.