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The Mat Work Order

The Mat Work Order
20th March 2020 Elle Morrison
In Pilates

How and why we teach an order

Joseph Pilates created his mat exercises to be performed in a certain order. This is because one exercise naturally compliments the one before and the one after. However, to be able to learn all the exercises properly the order is broken down and some exercises learnt before others. Our training school, Peak Pilates, has broken the order down into levels. These are the levels we use to structure our classes at the studio.

Old Joe also believed you should be able to practice your mat work at home. As this as been rather forced upon us at the moment it seems like the perfect moment to give you these levels to learn and practice at home.

Which order should I do?

If you look at the time table we sent out, that will tell you the level your class is. We’ve merged some of the evening classes for Zoom reasons. I would suggest for those of you whose normal class time has changed, try a Level 2 class.

We suggest you also look at the level up from the one you usually do, we might have been doing some of those exercises in your class as well.

Videos are on their way! In the meantime, here are your orders! (pun totally intended). Maybe you could use them in the next Zoom class.

Fundamentals and Introductory Order

 Level 1 Mat

Level 2 Mat

Level 3 Mat



Comments (6)

  1. Laura Norton 5 years ago

    That’s hugely useful, thank you!

    • Author
      Elle Morrison 5 years ago

      Yes we thought everyone might need what on the studio walls 🙂
      Hope you’re well x

  2. Kerry Hiscock 5 years ago

    Thanks for the “orders”….Zoom is great but when I cannot connect to a class being run due to childcare having this will make attempting a class solo easier as I often forget what is next without the spoken cue!!
    Stay well ladies and see you in evening zoom classes soon….?

    • Author
      Elle Morrison 5 years ago

      Hi Kerry, glad you’re finding them useful… see you soon x

  3. Suzanne 5 years ago

    Thanks, wall chart really helpful. Will get to grips with zoom classes ASAP. Take care and see you on the other side!

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