Joseph Pilates designed the mat work so people could do it at home. So thankfully you don’t need loads of expensive kit to get going. The following items might be useful, but we’ve also suggested alternatives you can find around the house.
It’s good to have a nice thick mat to do Pilates on.
Household alternative: a pile of towels or your duvet to provide lots of cushioning for your spine.
Used for loads of things!
Household alternative: A cushion can sometimes work instead, certainly but putting between knees or behind your h
This can be used for creating some tension and feedback in some of the exercises.
Household alternative: a belt or scarf can work depending on the exercise. Preferably something with a bit of elasticity – dressing gown cord works well and is usually nice and long.
Used in the arm weights series that we often do at the end of class
Household alternative: tins of beans (the content of the tin is not important, just check both tins weigh the same!)
Pilates Circles
Everyone’s favourite ending to a class.
Household alternative:…nope, this one has beaten me. Suggestions welcome.
PILATES MAD – If anyone wants to order from this Pilates site, we’re happy to put together an order for you to collect, or we can drop it off to you.