Call: 07722 044 117
Contact us on 07722044117 or

All enquiries please fill out this form to be added to the waiting list. You will receive a response within 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

For new members, enquiries and one-to-one sessions

Who is teaching me?

Elle – Founder of BPS. L3 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.

Helen – L3 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.

Lou – L3 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher and administration.

Laura R – L3 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.

Katie – L3 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.

Tasmin – L1 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.

Sarah – L1 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.

Laura H – L1 Comprehensive Peak Pilates Teacher.


How do I get inside the building?

Please enter via the door on the far left. If the door is locked please ring the doorbell or give us a call on 07722044117.

What can I wear to class?

Comfortable fitting leg wear, nothing too baggy and a couple of layers on top. Please wear clothing that is free from zips and buttons that could damage the apparatus and mats. No jewellery or watches to be worn during the studio apparatus sessions. Repair costs will be charged for any damage to apparatus or mats.

How do I book in?

All potential clients must attend a £35 consultation by appointment only, email to book in.

How do I pay?

By BACS to Bristol Pilates Studio Limited, we will provide details to pay once you have booked in.

How flexible are bookings?

Classes – If you miss a class, you are welcome to catch up that class during the term. Book via text to 07722044117.

Studio sessions – These are booked either via email or in the studio. If you cancel these sessions within 24 hours there is no charge for the first cancellation but there is from the 2nd.

Other useful info:

Water: We encourage you to hydrate well before your class, so that it’s digested but we do have fresh filtered water available in the kitchen. No bottles are allowed on the studio floor, this is for the safety of our staff. If you fancy disobeying this rule, please place your water bottle on the windowsill and not on the floor, so that the teachers can’t trip over it. Thanks.

Food: No food inside the studio please. Please avoid eating directly before a lesson, there may be moves that involve rolling on your stomach or having your body upside down.

Shoes: To be placed at the rear of the studios, in the communal area.

Clean feet: It’s nearly barefoot and flipflop/sandal season. Please check your feet are clean before starting class, if they’re a little dirty, give them a clean with the wipes in the studio.

Colds, coughs, flu & covid: If you have one please stay home. Same goes for anything contagious within your household.

Flatulence: Everyone does this at some point during their Pilates lessons, we ask that if someone does you do not make a big deal about it.

Laughing: We are serious about our Pilates teaching but relaxed in atmosphere. Feel free to laugh, shout, ask questions or cry (tissues on windowsills).

Judging: The studio is a non-judgemental area. Everyone is working with their own body to the best of their own ability.

Studio visits: Please note that classes, lessons, assessments, consultations, meetings and visits must be prearranged. We do not operate a drop in system.

Comments, compliments or complaints: Send them to

Your body: Whilst taking a session at the studio, you are in charge of your body. Do not continue to do Pilates through pain or more than mild discomfort. It is acceptable to experience mild discomfort during class. On occasion you may experience mild discomfort in your muscles(DOMS) a day or 2 after taking a lesson, this is normal, any pain exceeding this then please seek advice from your local health professional.

Our qualifications: A Comprehensive Pilates Teacher is one who has studied the Pilates Method as a whole system. This means we can teach mat and apparatus and have studied how these complement and link in with each other. We have studied the Peak Pilates program via Karen Ingram. Peak have a tiered system of certification: Trainee, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and then more training to advance offered as continued education (CEC’s). Some of us are also trained with APPI, Body Control, Pilates Foundation, Rachel Holmes and Amy Kellow.

Refunds: No refunds will be given unless you are injured and cannot attend class or move out of the area. We require either a doctors or solicitors letter providing proof before a refund will be given.

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