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Move your body

Bristol Pilates Studio

Book a consultation


Pilates in the heart of south Bristol

We are a classical Pilates studio in Bedminster, Bristol. With serious teaching in a relaxed setting, we offer a flexible booking system at affordable prices. People of all abilities are welcome here to work towards achieving complete co-ordination of body, mind and spirit.

Come and practice with us and move your body.

Book your consultation +

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Group Mat Classes

Bristol Pilates Studio offers a range of dedicated beginners’, intermediate and advanced mat classes with several courses every year.

Find out more about mat class +

1:1 lessons

In our Pilates Studio Sessions we teach the whole Pilates System, just like Joe did, using mat and apparatus to work the whole body.

Find out more about 1:1 lessons +

Your Pilates Journey

We believe in self-sufficiency when it comes to your Pilates practice. By following a Pilates journey at our studio you’ll see progression and gain life-long skills.

Find out more about your Pilates journey+

Flexible booking at affordable prices


Depending on what you’d like to do, we’ve got different pricing options.

When you come to our studio we ask you to make a commitment to your health, which is why we ask for clients to pay for the term for group classes and for a block of 1:1 lessons.

We also understand that life happens. Pilates should be something that becomes a life-long habit so we make it easy for you to change your class if necessary.

Find out more about our prices+

Our blog

We live and breath Pilates here so you can always find more news and articles on our blog. Have questions we haven’t answered? Get in touch and let’s have a chat.

Take a look at our blog +

Bristol Pilates Studio was founded in 2016 by Elle Morrison. She founded the dedicated studio so that she could bring the restorative, wellness and fitness benefits of Pilates to south Bristol.

The studio is now co-owned by Elle and Evie, who joined the team in 2018. In 2019 Helen joined us, she works at the studio part time.

Our friendly and qualified team is here to meet your demand, we always meet every single person for their initial consultation and posture check.

Find out more about us +

Love from Elle & Evie

You can find Bristol Pilates Studio near North Street in Bedminster, nestled between Southville and The Chessels.

Monarch House
1-7 Smyth Road
First Floor Units 15, 16 & 17
Bristol BS3 2BX

Want to find out more or join BPS?

Contact us
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